
1. Account Registration

Roles: All Roles

Go to
→ Go to App
→ Login In

Login username and password
Sign up for new account for the first time.

1.1.1 AgileMAS Landing Page
Landing page
1.1.2 AgileMAS Main Page
Main Page
1.1.3 AgileMAS Login Page
Login Page
1.1.4 AgileMAS Registration Page
Registration Page

2. Tournament Registration & Functions

Roles: League Admin, Event Admin & Team Admin

Go to User Menu
→ Dashboard
→ List of League & Tournament

2.1.1 Dashboard of user account will appear
2.1.2 AgileMAS User’s Dashboard
2.1.3 List of Tournament
List of Tournament

2.2 Create Tournament

Roles: League Admin

Go to Create in League & Tournament

2.2.1 Create Tournament Button
2.2.2 Tournament Form

2.3 Tournament page and list

Roles: League Admin

Go to one of Tournament Created

2.3.1 League & Tournament Page
2.3.2 List of Events in Tournament Section

2.4 Tournament Venues

2.4 Roles: League Admin

Go to Venues
→ Add Venues

Go to Venues
→ Edit Venues

2.4.1 Venues Page
Venues Page
2.4.2 Add Venues
Add Venues
2.4.2 Edit Venues
Edit Venues

2.5 News page

Roles: League Admin

Go to News
→ Add News

2.5.1 News Page
News Page
2.4.2 Create News in Tournament
Create News

2.6 Tournament Venues

Roles: League Admin

Go to Administrators
→ Administrators


Go to Administrators
→ Create New Administrators Account

2.6.1 Administrators Page in Tournament
Administrators Page
2.6.2 Add Tournament Admin
Administrators Page
2.6.3 Create Account Tournament Admin
Administrators Page

2.7 Go to Settings

Roles: League Admin
2.7.1 Setting Tournament Page
Administrators Page

3. Event Registration & Functions

Roles: League Admin & Event Admin

3.1 Event Register

Go to one of Tournament Created
→ List of Event
→ Create Event

3.1.1 List of Event Page
List of Event
3.1.2 Create Event Form
create event

3.2 Create Event

Roles: League Admin & Event Admin

Go to one of Event Created

3.2.1 Event Page

Event Page

3.3 Standing Table

Roles: League Admin & Event Admin

Go to Standings
→ Manage Stages

3.3.1 Standing table in Event

manage stages

3.4 Manage Stages

Roles: League Admin & Event Admin

Create Stage / Group
→ Add Stage / Group will pop out and fill the form of Stage / Group Details

3.4.1 Manage Stages Page

Manage Stage

3.4.2 Add Group Stages

Add Group Stages

3.4.3 Group Created

Group Created

3.5 Add Team Group

Roles: League Admin & Event Admin

Go to Stage / Group
→ Click the “+ Add” button to add Team into the Group

3.5.1 Add Team to Group

Add Team to Group

3.5.2 Team list to add in Group

Team list to add in Group

3.5.3 Setting Group Details

Setting Group

3.6 No team will added to the group

Roles: League Admin & Event Admin

Teams unable to participate 2 Groups on the same time in Group Stage

3.6.1 No team will added to the group

No team will added

3.7 Team in Group/Stage will appear

3.1 Roles: League Admin & Event Admin

List of Team displayed in the Group/Stage

3.7.1 Team in Group/Stage will appear

Team in Group

3.8 Matches Page

3.1 Roles: League Admin & Event Admin

Go to Matches Page
→ Go to Add Match

Go to view Match Details
Go to Edit Match

3.8.1 Matches Page

Matches Page

3.8.2 Create Match Page

Create Match Page

3.8.3 Match Details Page

Match Details Page

3.8.4 Edit Details Page

Edit Details

3.9 Edit Match Page Update Line-Up

Roles: League Admin & Event Admin

Update Line-up Go to Matches
→ Select Match
→ Edit Button
→ Update Line-up and Positions

3.9.1 Edit Match Page Update Line-Up

Edit Match Page

3.9.2 Add Player Line-up

Add Player Line-up

3.9.3 Line-up Player will display

Line-up Player

3.10 Add Stats

Roles: League Admin & Event Admin

Go to Matches
→ Select Match
→ Edit Button
→ Stats Tab

3.10.1 User Add Statistic to Match

Add Stats

3.10.2 Choose Athletes and Add Value to Parameters

Add Player Line-up

3.11 Add Media Pictures

Roles: League Admin & Event Admin

Go to Matches
→ Select Match
→ Edit Button
→ Media Tab

3.11.1 Insert Pictures of Matches

Insert Pictures

3.12 List Athletes in Event

Roles: League Admin & Event Admin

Go to Athletes

3.12.1 List Athletes in Event

List Athletes

3.13 List of News in Event

Roles: League Admin & Event Admin

Go to News → Add News

3.13.1 List News in Event

List Athletes

3.13.2 Create News in Event

List Athletes

3.14 Administrators page

Roles: League Admin & Event Admin

Go to Administrators
→ Add Administrators (Event Admin)


Go to Administrators Administrators
→ Administrators Account (Event Admin)

3.14.1 Administrators in Event


3.14.2 Add Event Admin to Event

Add Event admin

3.14.3 Create Account for Event Admin

Create Account Event

3.15 Setting in Event

Roles: League Admin & Event Admin

Go to Settings

3.15.1 Setting in Event

Setting Event

4. Team Registration & Functions

Roles: League Admin & Event Admin

Go to one of Teams in Event
→ Add existence Team or Create new team by form
→ Create new team profile.

Alert message will show if the team is fully occupied in the Event.

4.1 Teams in Event

Roles: League Admin & Event Admin

4.1.1 Setting in Event

Teams Event

4.1.2 Add Team

Add Event

4.1.3 Form to create new Team will display

Form Teams Display

4.1.4 Add more text max team, Alert will appear

Add Teams Reach

4.2 Action Button

Roles: League Admin & Event Admin

4.2.1 Action Button to Team Details

Action Button

4.2.2 Team Details

Team Details

4.3 Add Athlete

Roles: League Admin, Event Admin & Team Admin

Go to Team
→ Add Athlete

Go tp Team
→ Edit Athlete

4.3.1 Add Athlete

Add Athlete

4.3.2 Create Athlete Form

Create Athlete

4.3.3 Click on Action Pencil Button

Create action

4.3.4 Edit Athlete Details

Add Athlete Details

4.4 Edit Team

Roles: League Admin, Event Admin & Team Admin

Go to Edit Team

4.4.1 Edit Team Button

Add Athlete

4.4.2 Edit Team Button

Edit Team Button

4.5 Managers in Team

Roles: League Admin & Event Admin

Go to Managers
→ Add Existence Managers (Team Admin)

Go to Managers
→ Create New Managers Account (Team Admin)

4.5.1 Managers in Team

Add Managers

4.5.2 Add Existence Team Manager / Admin

Add Existence Managers

4.5.3 Create Team Manager / Admin

Create Team Managers

4.6 List of Event Participation

Roles: League Admin, Event Admin & Team Admin

Go to Event Participation

4.6.1 List of Event Participation in Team

Add Athlete

4.7 Event List

Roles: League Admin & Event Admin

Go to Event

4.7.1 Event List

Event list

4.8 Team List Section

Roles: League Admin, Event Admin & Team Admin

Go to Team

4.8.1 Team List Section

Add Athlete

5. Default User View

Roles: All Roles

Go to Main Page
→ Click one of Tournament
→ Click one of Event

5.1.1 Main Page AgileMAS

Main Page User

5.1.2 List of Events in Tournament

List Events User

5.1.3 Event Feed

Event Feed

5.2 Default User View

Roles: All Roles

Go to Event
→ Go to Feed
Go to Event
→ Go to Stats
Go to Event
→ Go to Team
Go to Event
→ Go to Calendar

5.2.1 Feed in Event

Event Feed

5.2.2 Stats in Event

Event Stats

5.2.3 Team in Event

Team Event

5.2.4 Calendar in Event

Calendar Event

5.3 Action Button

Roles: All Roles

Go to Calendar
→ Click to View Match

5.3.1 Calendar in Event

Calendar Event

5.3.2 Match Details

Match Details

5.4 Team in Event

Roles: All Roles

Go to Team
→ Click one of Team

5.4.1 Team in Event

Calendar Event

5.4.2 Team Detais

Team Details

5.5 Feed in Team

Roles: All Roles

Go to Team
→ Go to Feed
Go to Stats
→ Go to Stats
Go to Team
→ Go to Team
Go to Calendar
→ Go to Calendar

5.5.1 Feed in Team

Feed in Team

5.5.2 Stats in Team

Stats Team

5.5.3 Athlete in Team

Athlete Team

5.5.4 Calendar in Team

Calendar Team

5.6 Athletes Team

Roles: All Roles

Go to Team
→ Click on of Athletes

5.6.1 Athletes in Team

Athletes Team

5.6.2 Athlete Profile

Athletes Profile Details